
‼️📌Subscribers Please Read‼️📌

This is a business! Business decisions must be made to keep the business going for the future. It is impossible to keep every video uploaded on this site without increasing the amount of storage needed to hold it. Storage is expensive! To keep from increasing the subscription price, I do like all other streaming platforms do, remove older content. New content arrives daily! I will not increase the subscription prices like Netflix has done throughout the years! This is not a multi million dollar company. Footacular is for the people and a small business. Some videos you may like and some others may hate them. I can’t cater to everyone. Enjoy this subscription platform while it’s active because one day it will be just a memory. I won’t be in this business forever. I appreciate everyone’s support big time. New videos are released every other day. If there is something you really love I suggest purchasing it for your personal archive. Stay tuned for new content uploads.

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